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Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Sorry for the absence. I'd like to thank everyone who wrote and called to make sure I was okay. The switch-over with The Weirding took a little longer than expected, but I think everything's copacetic (sp?) now. Now I just have to finish the projects I have going and upload them.

Part of the problem there is that, for some reason, my FTP program doesn't want to create new directories, so I have to go in through the online file manager and create the directories. Unfortunately, they do not show up in FTP for several hours after I do that. That's really the only thing so far - knock wood - that I have a problem with. The other thing is, of course, just getting used to a whole new system and set-up.

But I was offline for a few days because I was supposed to help a friend move. I stayed offline to wait for her to call, but she never called, and I don't have any way of getting in touch with her. It was nice to just be offline for a few days though. Technically, I couldn't afford it, but hopefully everything will work out. I definitely just needed a few days away from the computer... even though I spent one day trying to fix someone else's computer.

Either way, I'm back now and have a ton of press releases and things to get to you. I'll try to spread them out over the next couple days.

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

Okay, I was wrong... it is still pointing to the old site! I guess I am going to have to call and find out what in the hell is going on... again! This is driving me nuts over here! I really hoped that I was going to be able to start uploading everything today. Every time I've talked to someone, they've told me nothing had changed, but now I can't get into the admin portion of the site since I changed the pointers, which means that it must have gone through, so... I'm stumped!