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Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I can't get away from this chick!

You do realize that mine and Britney Spears' vicarious "relationship" has played-out exactly the way my relationships with similar girls has, do you not? Think about it:

Britney Spears is a very pretty, moderately talented girl who dances around on stage at least half-naked for money. She has a scorching drug and alcohol problem and cannot drive. She is unmarried, with two kids she famously neglects. And every time I turn around, she's right there!

I'm so over it, I may get a restraining order to keep her hot ass off my blog! But let's face it... all she really has to do is shed a few tears (and a few clothes) and I'm putty in her hands...

But I digress...

Several of Britney's former employees and "friends" have set-up a MySpace page, urging fans not to buy her new album until she "cleans up her act." Apparently, these close "friends" have never actually seen her act. Still, they are telling people that this is not to hurt Brit-Brit, but instead to send her some kind of wake-up call.

Further, they ask fellow boycotters to contact Empty-V, Britney's agency, her management, and record label and tell them they will purchase her record, but not until she gets her Brit-shit together. Then they go on a short rant about how they don't understand why these bottom-feeders aren't trying harder to get Britney some help when she's made them so much money.

Now, I understand their reasoning - I have said the same thing myself many times over - but let's face it: we aren't going to change the industry by appealing to these kind of people! Those kind of people have no shame; they can't be shamed into doing the right thing. They are going to chew Britney up and spit her out and move on to the next Big Thing. They'll tart it up, turn it out, tear it down, and move on. The industry leaves a path of carnage in its wake and always has.

The only way to beat the industry and force it to treat the talent well (as it should, since the talent is the product) is to completely dissociate ourselves from it! Maintain full control of your work and distribute it in non-traditional ways, thereby circumventing the establishment entirely. If nothing else, it will eventually force them to treat talent better because they will no longer be able to control us the way they once did.

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