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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I'm Glad for the Downtime, If Only...

I know things have been kind of hit and miss today. Like I said earlier, the entertainment news has been absolutely nullified by the goings-on in Cali and the TV has been about little else, as well. Of course - as I also said earlier - we feel deeply for everyone involved and could not imagine the heartache they are going through; we wish them all the best. But we have heard all the reports, seen all the pictures and video, listened to every spokesperson for going on four days now, and nothing's changed. There is nothing anyone can do about it and it's so early, there aren't even any charities set up to handle any help anyone could offer! By this point, it is nothing more than business-as-usual for the media and that offends me.

But there's nothing I can do about that, either.

Hellcat's got a post or two to get out to you either tonight or tomorrow and I have several more press releases on the way today and tonight, I have just been using this downtime to clean my nasty - and I mean nasty - house. Right now, I am washing dishes so I have some clean ones on which to make supper. I'll be having a late supper tonight - like around midnight - but not if I don't get it started within the next hour or so! I'm thankful for the downtime, if only it had come under different circumstances.

And I also have that review of Omega the Unknown to get out to you. I can say this much: definitely pick it up!

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