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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Middle-Age Strikes!

Yes, yes, yes, I know what I said this morning about being here all day, but come on! That was like 5:30 this morning! And I hadn't had coffee! And, and, and... and it was cold and my neck was hurting and the sun wasn't up and I didn't know what I was saying and, and...

Okay, here's the thing: I am going to get to the story about what's going down with Spidey and J. Michael Straczynski, as well as the review for Omega the Unknown, but I went to the store only to find out they didn't have any ground beef except in, like, $40.00 portions, so then I had to drive all the way into town and go to 2 different stores, but they were nearly $2.00 more than the store close to my house on the things I knew they did have, so I came back by there and got those things and a 5-minute trip turned into a half-hour outing. And it's cold - really cold (like 50°!) - and rainy and my neck and shoulder and all of that really do hurt, so I'm just not feeling too creative right this moment.

I took some pain medicine and I am going to lie down for an hour or so and then I'll get these posts out to you this afternoon/tonight. I have to get up at some point because I have things to do (like cook, clean, and make some tea), so I'm not ditching, just taking a nap.

I'm middle-aged now, you know!

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