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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Burden of Perfection

Doesn't that sound deliciously pompous?

It's really nothing like that; I'm just writing to let you know that I am still doing technical-type things, which is why it's been kinda slow today. I will get out your Marvel checklist in a few minutes, but I don't know if there will be much other than that.

See, I got both Weird Ink and The OddBlog set-up on their own sub-domains, like I have been saying I was going to do for a while now. The only reason it took this long is because the page I had to access to make the change would not load on Win98 - it just set there for like an hour, saying it was loading. Thing is, nothing else has changed with them; they still reside in the same directories because that's how sub-domains work: you associate them with a folder on the website where the actual files reside. So you can still access both blogs from either the old addresses or their new sub-domains, and since I already had their old addresses entered all over the web, the old addresses are pulling all this Authority and so forth, while the new sub-domains are not.

Further, it's a real bitch changing them in almost every system, because the new sub-domains still point to the old folders, so some of the places are throwing fits. Not to mention I had to go in and change all the links on all the pages here, on the site, on both of those blogs, and so forth - which is what I'm working on presently.

And, in so doing, I had to go through a bunch of old posts and I can't help re-editing them when I open them... That means that a simple operation like opening an old post and changing the URLs to point to the new sub-domains - a process that takes no more than 2 minutes, at the longest - turns into an hour's worth of editing.

I don't think you can call it "perfectionism" in my case, though; I think it's more just "nit-picking."

Anyway, I'll get the Marvel checklist out to you before too long and if anything really interesting pops-up, I may blog on that; otherwise, I'm still working on all the technical stuff I wasn't able to get to for the last several months - it just all backed-up and I'm trying to knock as much of it out as I can while I've got it going. In-between splitting infinitives and stuff.

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