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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Technical Difficulties

I still cannot get this stupid 98 box to work through the hub! I tried like 10 different settings and rebooted the thing like a dozen times - all to no avail. Then I suddenly remembered the hub came with one or two disks; XP and Vista automatically just work with it and it's been so long since I messed with it that it completely slipped my mind. Of course, I have absolutely no frigging idea where said disk(s) could be and I'm fairly confident they only have the drivers for the network card itself, which the computer is already seeing, so the driver is already loaded... I'm going to have to do some checking around online and see what I come up with. If nothing else, I'll break down and plug the modem directly into the 98 box and go from there.

That's what's really kicking my ass here: when I plug directly into it, it works just fine! It comes right up and connects - no problem! So why won't it connect through the hub like the Vista box does!? I can live with the workstations not seeing one another; I just want them both to be able to connect at the same time...

Cuz I am so into blogging from the couch...

Then I decided to tweak the site earlier and discovered some of the programs I use don't work so well on Vista... unfortunately, the only way I found this out was by actually using them. So I hosed some of the pages and can't fix them from here without first spending an hour or so removing the programs that don't work and installing different versions or entirely different programs...

See what I mean!? They read like excuses, but when there's only one person doing literally everything, there's only so much I can do. And when I come across something that doesn't work, it's almost never something that I can "just" fix; it's something that requires me jumping through hoops and standing on my head to pile greased BBs in order to even get to, much less work on...

I think I'm going to move over to the couch for a few. I just hate having to disconnect and reconnect and blahblahblah...

If anyone has any suggestions or, best of all, anyone has successfully networked Vista with 98, please drop me a Comment and help me out here! The next time I speak at you, it will be from The Couch!

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