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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Hillary Flexing Muscle to Whitewash Family's Lowlife Nature

An MSNBC commentator has been suspended from the networks for saying that the Clinton campaign "pimped-out" daughter, Chelsea, by having her place phonecalls to celebrities and others, recruiting their support and backing of her mother's presidential bid.

A Clinton spokesperson threatened that Hillary would not participate in debates on the network.


Further, Hardball host, Chris Matthews, came under fire earlier for suggesting that Hillary's entire political career was made possible by husband, Bill's, philandering.

I had no real intentions of voting for Hillary Clinton - she's a backpedaling, lying, duplicitous politico with absolutely no connection to her would-be constituents and The Real World, in general - but this has cemented it for me. STFU, Hillary - and tell your campaign to STFU, too! If your sissy, girly ass can't stand the heat, then you shouldn't have thrown your pillbox hat into the ring (I love to mix me up some metaphors). You aren't the President yet, so you shouldn't expect to be treated as such!

The very idea that everyone is expected to walk on eggshells around this "woman" sickens me - almost as much as her withholding tactics in response to them. Hillary Clinton plays the female card the way Al Sharpton plays the race card: whenever it serves her purposes. And the fact that she plays both sides of the fence whenever it suits her is exactly why she should not be elected.

Hillary Clinton is single-handedly setting the womens' rights movement back a decade! Every, serious-minded female in the world should be ashamed of her deplorable tactics. No one should be forced to watch what they say because she's a "girl," then turn around and give her kudos for being a "woman in a man's world"!

Further, I am sick to death of the way the news networks continually play both sides of the fence. Whenever it suits them, they claim their news coverage is "infotainment," then when one of their "infotainers" says something a little too real, they come down on that person for a lack of "journalistic integrity." Face it: opinions are exactly that, and not everyone agrees with them - actually, that is basically the difference between an opinion and a statement of fact!

The news networks either need to end commentary altogether or stand-up for their commentators when they are bullied by fat-cat politicos, looking to whitewash their sleazy maneuvers and forward their careers.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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