I am feeling much better today - finally got some sleep last night, and finally got the house cleaned-up (for the most part, anyway). But that isn't saying much, since I felt better when I first got up everyday this past week, then about this time every afternoon, the fever returned and I just couldn't do anything but lie around and moan. If that turns you on, then you're my kind of freak, but it just wasn't like that, so I don't think you would have enjoyed it - unless you're like that, in which case you aren't exactly my type of freak, but I can work with it, and you definitely would have gotten-off on it because I was in true and constant pain.
Aside from the review(s), I may or may not post anything here today. I had to get out almost an entire week's worth of stuff over to The OddBlog and now I have to do the same for Weird Ink, so my attentions are focused there. However, I am going to do some technical stuff because I am nowhere near done tweaking this junt out. Expect some mild churn and probably some loading errors early-on until things get worked-out.
If I make it through today, then I should be fine and we'll be back to normal tomorrow (knock wood). Again, I'm making no promises because this whole debacle has been as touch-and-go as any I've ever experienced; I keep seeming to get/feel better, then relapse later in the day. I took the entire weekend off to literally just lie around and do absolutely nothing - and doing absolutely nothing is harder than you think! I would start reading and force myself to put it down; when I got too interested in a movie, I would find another time it was showing, click the reminder setting, and turn away from the TV; when I checked things and found something interesting online, I forced myself to bookmark it and laid back down. I also starved myself and drank nothing but water (well, I had a bowl of soup and a PB&J yesterday and nothing more - and a cup of coffee Saturday morning, plus a few glasses of Coke and tea, just to shake things up a bit). I don't want to jinx myself, but seeing as how I got up about 3-4 hours ago and managed to post a lot on The OddBlog, I think I can safely say it just may have worked!
As for the site, the new design is on the way (actually, I'm sticking with the Art Deco Minimalism, it's just going to be more robust and tweaked-out), and new content is ready to publish, more is being formatted, and even more is under development. Specifically, you will have an abundance of material for Dark Conspiracy, Chill, and Cyberpunk - more than enough to keep you entertained and playing for years, in fact - but that's only the beginning; I have more content for these three games than I can even begin to get formatted in the next two years and Chill is about to release a new edition, for which I already have a load of material, as well as conversion notes for the material already in-place and being formatted now. Other great systems and games under development include Space 1889, an AD&D 2nd-Ed. campaign, Over the Edge, and the all-original S.A.F.E. System.
The Champions material will be republished, it's just being reformatted. I am truly sorry about that, since so many people have been asking about it and looking for it and I really meant to have it up long before now; there were a lot of formatting problems that cropped-up in the redesign, thanks to some program and OS incompatibility issues. I know there were a lot of links to it because it had been up since like 2002 or whenever, and a lot of people thought it just disappeared, but I had to take it down three months in advance of republishing it and things got hairy; I am working to get it back up ASAP. Everything will probably happen all at once and, depending on my health, taxes, and everything else, that may be around the second week of April - again, this is a very tentative ETA!

I hope everyone had a good weekend. I wanted to tell you how many sci-fi movies were playing on HBO, Skinemax, Starz, and Encore, but - like I said - I forced myself not to. They'll be on for the next week or two at least, but they had a boatload of them all together this weekend for no real reason, including all three Aliens movies back-to-back last night and this afternoon. Of course, tonight is [adult swim], too.
Anyway, here's to getting (and staying) better and all of you, as well. We're going to have a buttload of Secret Invasion stuff the next few weeks, since it debuts in April and the free lead-in issue has already been released (mine came with my new shipment o' comics Tuesday, in fact), so I'll leave you with this cover art from one of the upcoming issues. TTFN!
© C Harris Lynn, 2008
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