Well, obviously, yesterday was just like the rest of this week: I woke up feeling okay and made it until about mid-afternoon, when the fever returned, along with the aches and pains... everyone I've talked to who has had this has had the same symptoms and said they also spent the last week of it able only to get through half a day, so I'm just stuck.
And I'm not just behind here (and on all the other blogs), I'm two weeks behind on everything - I have no clean dishes (no spoons, no pots, no coffeecups), the trash is overflowing, the entire place stinks because I've been cooped-up in here for almost a month, there are books everywhere, I haven't filed-away the comics that I got in Tuesday, I have literally nothing to eat in the house, and I am behind on paying bills just because I can't concentrate enough to figure out what goes where and how much money I can send! It's a real mess.
I honestly have to find a girlfriend - or maybe a confused young man. When my neck gets me down, it's only for a day or two here and there; if I get sick like this again (and this is the first time I've been this sick in years and years), I just don't know what I am going to do. Heck, just this much typing has given me a headache! And this fever just won't break.
So, if you are interested, I only ask that you not be a lazy, good-for-nothing, lying thief; like mice; and that you be hot. 'Cuz there's just no sense in dating ugly people. But if you are ugly (including "she's got a pretty face" ugly [fattie]) and handy around the house, go ahead and holla - seeing as how I've all but completely given-up drinking, I'm sure the one or two times I do, I'll get completely bombed and be all over you like Anthrax. Being blue is optional - Saphey's version, very optional.

Yeah, I'm a catch.
I'll leave you (for now) with this killer pic from the new Nova. This is Warlock (formerly of the New Mutants) - how cool is that!? Warlock was always a cool character, as was Cipher (one of the few comics characters that has somehow managed to stay dead), and his father, S'ym, was based on none other than one Dave Sim and favored a certain aardvark you may have seen elsewhere.
We've got over two years' worth of pretty good stuff here. Just click on something interesting in the Categories list to the right there and surf-around! We'll be back to our regularly-scheduled noise at some point...
© C Harris Lynn, 2008
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