
Monday, March 03, 2008

Stormy Sleep

Well, it was storming earlier - lightning, thunder, torrential rains, the whole nine - but it calmed down right after I turned off the computer and laid down to take a nap.

This afternoon, the electricity went off and did that blinking thing, where it keeps trying to come back on but can't quite make it, and I hate that. I'm always scared it's going to kill the computer or something. The county in which I live, along with several of the surrounding counties, threatened to sue the area electric company for these all-too frequent outages, but - like most everything around here - I heard about it once and haven't heard anything about it since.

Anyway, I turned everything off and laid down for a few, but about that time, everything let-up and it's just raining now. Fairly pleasant, really - cool, but nice. It was 72° today! Slightly overcast, so the sun wasn't blaring down on you - it was really nice.

Anyway, I got up and got straight into template editing. The cool thing is that I am learning quite a bit about Blogger's proprietary coding language; the bad thing is that I am working from what is apparently a very old template - which not only uses an earlier version of the Blogger language, it is also adapted from a WP theme! In other words, what is already a complicated process has been further complicated twice-over and this is my first real attempt at doing template work! I mean, adding a few links here and there in the sidebar doesn't really count.

That's the way I got into computers: our first real home computer (we had a Tandy back in the 80s, but that's like the sidebar thing above) was FUBAR straight from Radio Shack and no one knew how to fix it. We sent it back twice and it stayed in the store for months. When we finally got it back the second time, I told my family to leave it alone and I would fix it... somehow.

I spent about two weeks straight
(very literally) in front of that thing, figuring out how to fix it on my own - there were no "Software Repairs for Dummies" books back then! I got the modem working first, then went from BBS to BBS, downloading files and reading FAQs, and eventually fixed that computer on my own! The upside to this is that I learned more about Windows from the ground-up than anyone I have ever met; to this day, I am the guy big-time tech friends call when they've reached the end of their certified training capabilities.

So, once I am done with this, there's a very good chance that I will be able to do anything having to do with Blogger coding and templates that can be done!

Which also means that Blogger will then start charging like $29.95/month and I will be forced to move to a different platform. SIGH.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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