
Monday, April 14, 2008


Well, I finally got the taxes done. After pulling out about a dozen folders full of receipts and returns and so forth and measuring the entire house with a 12' tape measure, I managed to come up with enough valid expenses and deductions so that I don't owe anything - won't get a refund, but don't owe anything.

I really didn't think I could have gotten that much off. I just "guesstimated" my medical miles driven and so forth and I was way off! I had physical therapy last year and even though the hospital is only about 10 miles away, that's a 20-mile round-trip each time and I went three times a week for four months! The doctor I go to every month for my pain medication is 35 miles away, and I went at least three times last year, which was 210 miles! I had estimated a whole 150 miles at first and finally settled for deducting about 300 (my mom took me to the pain clinic once and I missed one or two PT sessions, so I just took 300 off and it was enough). I'm keeping much better records this year.

Anyway, I have some kind of seminar a friend is dragging me to today. I have a bad feeling it's one of those where they try to sell you something, so I'm taking some books to read while I'm there, but it gets me out of the house and I can write it off, so what the hey? Besides, I may be pleasantly surprised!

Once back, I'm sure I can dig up a few things to interest you, though I have no idea exactly when I'll be back.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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