
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Morning, Sunshine

Well, the roofers finally got to my building.

Yes, they began dutifully at 9:00 this morning. I awoke to the sound of aluminum ladders striking the rain gutters and footsteps plodding across the rooftop. They use these long scrapers to sheer-away the old shingling and then toss it over the side in patches and strips. And this is the quieter portion of the process; this should probably take most of the day, then they begin nailing down the new shingling. Fun, fun.

No matter, it gives me an excuse to turn the computer up really loud and jam.

This being Thursday, I have an exciting advance review to get out to you today or tomorrow, and if I ever get a chance, I am going to review some of the titles I've been reading. I got an advance copy of a book to review on Weird Ink and I had to finish the book I was currently reading before I got started on it, which I did last night, so I have been pressed for time the past week - this entire month, actually.

But either way, let's get into it.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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