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Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Big Day is Almost Here

Well guys, this is almost it. Day after tomorrow, I go into the hospital at like 5:30 in the AM to have surgery on my wrist. I have no idea how long I will be out of action, but while I am gone, our good friend, Sean, over to will be filling-in for me. Just to keep things light for him, I am going to try and grab a few more guests to keep things rolling while I'm away, so be forewarned: it is likely to be slow the next week or so.

Did anyone check out Ernie's review of our little pixel-park? Heh. I promise not to talk so much about my health once all of this is over and done with. When one's neck and shoulder get to hurting or one has painful cysts on one's wrist and one has to spend several days in waiting rooms and doctors' offices and MRI machines and blahblahblah, it tends to be foremost in one's mind. I am sorry for that, though; I tend to forget anyone's reading sometimes and just... babble. Thanks for the review, Ernie!

This is one of them-there scheduled posts. I am probably still asleep. I am going to spend most of today scheduling posts throughout the week. This will help Sean (and whomever else picks up my slack - [EW!]) keep the ball rolling and ensure constant updating. There will be a few things today and tomorrow, as well.

Though I will not be able to blog, I don't know how things are going to go as far as plain old webdesign. I may be able to keep working on the site itself some in the coming weeks, but I really don't even know how long I'm going to be out - no one gave me any sort of ETA or anything, so I'm improvising all the way here. Since the plan all along was to switch hosts this summer, I haven't really been pushing it to get the new content up. I know it's a hassle for y'all, but seeing as how I'm just going to have to do it all over again in another month or two, it's just a whole loot of work for nothing much on this end, so I apologize, but it has to be this way.

If you're new here, I'm sorry you just found us and I'm having to be away - but look on the bright side: you're going to have the chance to meet some great bloggers who don't usually post here and find your way back to their homebases! Not to mention the 2+ years' of archives you can always browse through in the meantime. And, of course, I'll be back eventually.

And who knows? If things work out well, we may wind-up with several regular bloggers here. One thing I do know is that we're going to establish a great community throughout this ordeal - one I hope will grow and last. It heaves that it took a surgery to make this happen, but there it is.

Aw. I'm getting a woody, so I better stop.

I'm honestly excited to see where this all goes! I get to be a reader of my own blog and see what someone else does with what I've started - it's a lot like working in music or comics or movies or TV.

Here comes that woody again. Okay, I'm done.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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