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Monday, June 30, 2008

Dark Knight Trailers

I told you before this month's Comics Buyer's Guide is largely given-over to the new The Dark Knight movie (the sequel to Batman Begins) and the hype is in full-swing. I honestly read one commenter who said, "This has been the longest three weeks of my life!" No, I have no idea how old said commenter is, but still, I found it cute. Simply put, there is no denying that The Dark Knight is poised to be the biggest movie of the year, comic book-based or no. While Iron Man holds the title as this is typed, The Dark Knight is just weeks away and most certainly has as grandiose a marketing campaign as the former!

People have been seeking-out The Dark Knight trailers for weeks now and one by one, they have been leaked online, though I have yet to see but one or two on TV. I am fairly confident in saying that is about to change, but for now, you can find most all the trailers out there by following the link above.

A while back, we brought you a post (technically, Lisa over to Sequentially Speaking [see the BlogRoll] brought it and we just linked to it) about how one of the trailers was specifically patterned to mimic - image by image, scene by scene - that of the trailer from the original Batman (Tim Burton's), which gives you some idea of just how big producers expect this thing to be. Wired is reporting that shows are selling-out already!

With Heath Ledger's passing, it is very possible The Dark Knight may well become one of those landmark pop-culture events, ala Jaws or the original Batman. And with only two weeks to go, the excitement starts now!