You must recall that I did not say the market itself was in the dumps when I began this discussion, I said sales sales were down to the point that retailers and small press publishers are closing, and that we had seen this entire process of events before (the early 90s). From a business standpoint, this is just that: business; after all, it is to Marvel and DC's benefit to have less competition. But Marvel and DC rarely suffer until the very end of the cycle.
Even then, there is no comparison; the "suffering" of the Big Two is incomparable to that of the smaller houses. The Big Two - despite what the old-timers used to tell us (daily) - will always be here. But the industry, in its current form, may not.
As print becomes less and less accessible, and more and more expensive, the collecting side of the hobby becomes less prevalent - especially when the market is diluted by endless printings, collections, ad nauseam - and distribution becomes more and more important. What better distribution method in this Digital Age than... digital?
No, comic books are not going anywhere anytime real soon, but the industry is experiencing a shake-up on many levels to the point that even I can't really see where it's headed! And while I have some pretty good theories, this is one of those matters where it behooves me to remain silent.
This is from Marvel Comics and it's cosmically OFFICIAL:
Due to overwhelming demand for the sold-out Guardians of the Galaxy #1 and #2, Marvel is going back to the press with a special one-shot collecting the first two critically acclaimed issues! Guardians of the Galaxy: Legacy Must-Have introduces Star-Lord and a new rag-tag team of sci-fi heroes determined to protect the cosmos and save the universe! From the acclaimed team of writers, Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, featuring a brand new incredibly stunning cover from fan-favorite interior artist, Paul Pelletier – the Guardians of the Galaxy are unleashed in an out of this world book that has become one of 2008’s most popular new series!
The critics have spoken and they love Guardians of the Galaxy!
© C Harris Lynn, 2008
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