
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Stuff and Things

By the time you read this, I'd better be fast asleep! Got my days and nights turned-around yet again because I was working on the site, and I don't want to jinx myself, so I'll only say it isn't going too bad so far. Hopefully, I'm going to have things figured out to the point that when I get ready to make the big move in a few weeks, everything will go smoothly... as smoothly as can be expected, anyway.

I'm writing this to let you know that it will be another fairly slow day. I spent most of yesterday at the doctor's, then tweaking my computer - specifically Firefox - and I have to devote much of my time today to working on the site. I'm going to post a series of articles on how to do what I did (tweaking my OS) over to The Cyberculturalist sometime in the near-future (kind of working on them as I go). All in all, I am going to be a thousand times more productive once all this is in place, but it takes a minute to set-up.

One of the coolest things is being able to take notes as I go. It will take a moment, but the posts will be more cohesive, with more to offer. Don't be afraid to click the links, guys! If I post it, I've visited it myself. If it is internal (here on The Rundown ), it opens in the same window; if it's external (even to another department on The Weirding), it opens in a new one so you don't lose your place. Hover over any link and it will tell you what it is.

Like I said, there are some posts coming up that will tell you how to get even more out of The Weirding and the Web, in general. If you get into that sort of thing (and really you should - I mean, why sit in the nosebleed section at every game?), you will finally see all the behind-the-scenes technical stuff I am always doing. I hope you'll agree that all the time I've spent on those aspects is worth it; I'm big on details.

Anyway, tons of news to get to you today and I'll be around to approve any (valid) comments and so forth, but I really need to get a nap in sometime today!

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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