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Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Yes, I am getting a late start this morning, but I really needed the rest. I am still congested, but even though I got a lot of posts out yesterday, I basically took it easy. I went to bed right after the late-play of Eureka and the cats kept waking me up, so I didn't get to sleep straight-through, but I did get some sleep. I feel a little better - at least my throat is not hurting - but I am all foggy.

Speaking of which, Fringe is really good. I said that about the premiere and I only caught the last half of it last night (I fell asleep waiting for it to come on and forced myself to stay up and watch what I hadn't missed), but what I saw of it was great. I just hate that it's on opposite Eureka - of course, Eureka is almost over for the mid-season, so there's that.

Last night's Eureka was great, too! I've talked about their formula before, but all shows have a formula and that is not necessarily bad. Actually, most all mainstream entertainment has a formula for every good reason - it works for the format, it's what the audience expects, and so forth; it actually helps tell the story more than it hinders it. Eureka has their formula down so pat that they are to the point where they can play with it, packing more story into each episode with overarching storylines, enriched character development, and so on. Last night's episode was a brilliant example of this.

Unfortunately, I missed a number of this season's shows due to the Olympics and had no idea a marathon was on a week or so back until a friend told me she'd watched several episodes on my recommendation. And with Fringe playing opposite, I don't know when I'll get a chance to see them in sequence. But I'll be watching for it.

Even ABC got in on the sci-fi vibe last night, with a 2-hour Primetime special on UFOs. I caught the last half of it as well. Like the other, big Primetime specials on UFOs, it basically brought nothing new to the table... save one thing, which I'll dicsuss over to The OddBlog at some point today.

On that note, I will be here all day (pending my health), but hits are way below average this week, for no reason I can fathom, so I'm going to spend my time on other projects. I'll bring you whatever comes through and so forth, but seeing as how basically no one's here... well? I have a lot of plates spinning, so I need to make sure they stay in the air.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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