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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What's On?

I admit I missed the last couple episodes of Fringe, even though Eureka is replayed late nights. It is just too good a show (usually) to miss and I like seeing it twice so I actually see it to review it. Still, I wanted to see Fringe and missed it last week only because I fell asleep!

Of course, with Eureka being on mid-season hiatus, it makes room for Fringe. After that comes the rerun of last night's Heroes on G4. I missed it because, again, I fell asleep last night. I told you my sleep schedule is all wonky! I've been falling asleep in the afternoon, then am wide awake in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep until early morning. I sleep until mid-morning, then fall back to sleep in the afternoon, etc.

After that, you can catch the replay of last week's Z-Rock on IFC and HBO's Little Britain USA. Again, I managed to miss both. I am forcing myself to stay awake right this minute, but I don't know how long I'll last. I fell asleep for about 10 minutes during Keen Eddie.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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