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Friday, October 03, 2008


Sorry for the late start. I finally got an entire night's sleep! I mean a whole night's sleep!

I fell asleep around 11:00am or so, then woke up a couple times throughout the evening, but I was able to get right back to sleep. I was astonished when I woke up to answer the phone and it was 10:30am! That means I literally got like 6-7 hours of solid sleep!

I could barely see and I could have gone right back to bed, but I needed to go ahead and wake up. So here I am! I really feel like a new man. I am still a bit worn-out, but it's that good kind of worn-out - the kind where you feel like you could sleep another day but you know you have things to do.

Anyway, we'll get into it shortly.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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