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Sunday, October 19, 2008


One could say I "slept-in" today. One could say it, but it's not exactly correct, since it was nearly 5am before I finally fell asleep. It probably has to do with the medicine they gave me for my wrist.

Yes, part of the reason things have been slow lately is because the stupid cyst is back! That's right: the cyst they told me shouldn't hurt (but does), the one I had surgically removed, is back. I finally brokedown and went to the doctor's last week. She gave me some medicine and is supposed to be setting-up an appointment with a different surgeon, though they have yet to call me with the appointment or any further information.

The other reasons things have been slow is because I am earnestly working on the site and... there just hasn't been much going on, as late. I have some previews to bring you and so forth, but aside from that, there hasn't been a whole lot to report. I still have some reviews to do, but those take hours and between my wrist and the website, I simply don't have that kind of time to devote to anything else between now and Halloween.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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