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Monday, October 20, 2008

Zac Ephron Gotta Gotta Cut Loose, Footloose

Kevin Bacon has given his blessing to Zac Ephron and the remake of the classic film, Footloose.

Bacon told sources he met Ephron briefly but found him "a really nice kid." He said he wishes him the best with the lead role and the film.

The Rundown does not.

As one film critic once said, "You remake bad films - not good ones." Footloose became a real classic - not a cult classic, not a genre hit - the world over following its release in the 1980s. Historically speaking, the advent of the VCR helped it. It almost single-handedly launched the careers of Bacon, the late Christopher Penn, and one Sarah Jessica Parker (Bacon had appeared in a handful of movies prior, including two other classics: Animal House and Friday the 13th, but Footloose was his major breakthrough role), not to mention John Lithgow and Dianne Weist.

Footloose is set for release in 2010.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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