
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Apologies for (Lack of) Reviews

I know I do this every time, but what can I say? The Weirding is a one-man crew, so I'm perpetually pressed for time and this says nothing of handling my personal business and life (or what passes for one).

I get advance copies of many things - TV shows, comic books, books, even products - and I receive these with the express expectation I will review them. With the exception of those for which I am compensated - which are prominently indicated as such - I am not told what kind of review to give. I balk at companies requesting "positive reviews." At any rate, companies send me stuff to review because it helps promote their products, company, etc. And I love reviewing them because I love free shit. And it gives me stuff to write about.

However, The Weirding has a long-established history of major updates at the end of the year. We have always added new content on Halloween and throughout the holidays and this year is no different. What is different this year is that I am gearing-up to start my first advertising campaign - something I have never done, ever, for anything. So, not only am I working furiously to get the new content up before I launch this campaign, I am also trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing before I waste a small chunk of hard-earned money I really do not have. I've also had a bunch of medical issues to deal with the past year.

At any rate, I wanted to (once again) apologize to the creators, companies, and readers for not getting to these reviews sooner. I take pride in what I do, and I'm not going to just "flip-through" something a team spent months creating to give it a pithy thumbs-up or -down; some of the reviews you read take days to put together (reading, writing, researching - the biggest thing is graphics [selection, cropping, positioning, tweaking size and colors, etc.]), but even the shortest take an hour or two. I don't treat them the way I do Britney... posts.

So, fear not, they're coming, I just don't know when. Let me at least get the Dark Conspiracy section hung and I'll get back to focusing on the blogs for a month or two. I figure the ad campaign is going to be a learn-as-you-go experience, anyway.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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