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Friday, December 19, 2008

Frank Miller to do Buck Rogers

Now this one is pretty much confirmed; it came out yesterday, but I waited to make sure (see Murphy as Riddler post). It seems Frank Miller will, in fact, be writing and directing a new Buck Rogers movie. Odd Lot owns the rights to the movie property, as well as the rights to The Spirit comics, so they will continue their working relationship with the iconic Miller. But some early reviews of The Spirit have not been very nice, leaving some to question whether or not the Frank Miller version of Buck Rogers will make it to the screen.

I have to question how Miller's "dark take" on Buck Rogers will play out. An avid Miller fanboy, I was also a huge fan of the Buck Rogers TV series and there was nothing dark about that. While the property has been around for nearly a century and has made the rounds through many mediums, the basic premise is far more camp space opera than gritty realism.

Dynamite holds the comic book rights to Buck Rogers and Hermes is reprinting the serial strips.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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