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Sunday, December 07, 2008

Late-Night Posting

Figured I'd switch it up a bit tonight, seeing as how I'm still... you know, up.

I got a lot done on the Dark Conspiracy front today, but I also spent a good bit of the time catching-up with old friends and classmates on Facebook. I'm always getting invites and notices and comments that I forget to respond to because I get so busy and just the other day, I noticed a couple people I used to be close with (back in highschool, I mean) had dropped me from their contacts. I didn't mean to hurt their feelings, I just stay busy! But I realized how little effort I have been putting into keeping up with people (as usual) and decided I needed to spend at least a few hours doing just that. So I did.

I did not get to those reviews - also as usual - though I started on one of them, so I can pick it back up where I left-off tomorrow/today and it shouldn't take long. I'm gonna knock-out a few things for you real quick before I relax because I plan on sleeping-in.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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