
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Rourke Thinks Penn a "Homophobe"

Mickey Rourke allegedly sent a text message to someone in which he calls Sean Penn a "homophobe" and criticizes his performance in Milk as "average pretend acting." Penn and Rourke are contenders for the Best Actor Oscar: Mickey Rourke for his work in The Wrestler, and Sean Penn for the aforementioned Milk. Rourke also made discouraging remarks about Penn's performance backstage at a recent appearance on David Letterman's show.

Of course, this is all just gossip, but sources go on to say most of Rourke's closest friends consider him brutally honest. Penn and Rourke are longtime friends and Rourke's publicist says she is unaware of the text message and dismisses all rumors of an "Oscar feud" between the two. Some suggest the entire thing is an attempt to discredit troubled Mickey Rourke, for whom The Wrestler could prove to be a huge comeback.

Again, this is all gossip and not usually the kind of stuff I cover, but Sean Penn is an asshole - not a douchebag, not a jerk - a bonafide asshole. Remember when he "moved" to Iraq to show his "support" for those "oppressed" people? And moved right the hell back after like 24 hours? Remember how he "stood-up" for Jude Law that year at the Oscars, after Chris Rock joked about how Hollywood was manufacturing young "superstars" faster than any of us could keep up with them?

Homophobic or not, Penn is one of the most overrated actors in Hollywood, and that's saying something! Time and again, he has proven himself a vapid, tough-talking wiseguy who is consistently long on bravado and short on fact. No one is as impressed with Sean Penn as he is - no one could be! He is exactly what the (sub-)text message claims he is, despite it being real or not, regardless of whom wrote it: a self-important creep.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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