
Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So I took some NyQuil and went to bed early last night. Though fitful, I slept through until early this morning. I would have slept longer, were it not for my stupid, spoiled cats! So I'm up, but still sleepy and not in a very good mood. I'm hoping this cold, cold day gets a bit better as it goes on. Hopefully though, I've finally gotten my days and nights back in the proper order.

It's been a hell of a slow news month, so far. Even the press releases have been succinct. I'll dig-up something for you as the day goes on.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

That didn't last long, huh? I'm sicker than I thought. I slept from about 11:00 last night until past noon today (about 13 hours) and was still sleepy and apathetic all day long!

I managed to stay up for a while, but I just could not get anything done - no concentration, whatsoever.

I took an hour-long nap and woke up feeling really refreshed, so I'm forcing myself to cook supper. But I know that's a big part of the problem: I'm ignoring the fact that I am sick and trying to "power-through" it. I'm not getting any better this way.

OTOH, I haven't been eating well (because I haven't felt like eating at all) and this food is going to go bad if I don't cook it, so I'm stuck.

At least the cough seems to be breaking-up some.