
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Slow Load

I realize The Rundown loads slowly and have mentioned it before. I have also discussed before how I spent years making sure my design was, like, 10 years behind the curve - so dial-up users and those on outdated OS would be able to access it as well as anyone else. But, like I also said a while back, I've been on high-speed now for about a year and I live in The Sticks. It is more expensive than dial-up, but well worth the price, and if I can get it in my area and afford it on my income (which I really can't - not lately), not being able to use it was driving me crazy!

Still, especially with all the graphics and videos, The Rundown takes longer than it should to load and I'm going to be making some changes to alleviate that as best I can. But for you dial-up users on Win98 under AOL 6.0... I mean, there just isn't a whole lot I can do! All I can suggest is check The Cyberculturalist and similar sites and blogs for tips, tricks, and ideas on how to speed-up your computer and connection and do what you can to afford upgrading your setup!

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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