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Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Wall (of Sleep)

No, this is not an accidental post meant for The OddBlog, nor is it about Pink Floyd. I was going to take the day off, but got bored. The truth is that I just could not get going; I was tired and sleepy and just... blah. So I went ahead and took a nap around 3:00 or 4:00 that ended up lasting until around 6:30. So I'm up at the merry hour of 1am, watching Predator (on HBO) and drinking coffee - of all things!

But I've finally just hit the wall with this sleep thing. I figure I'll sleep whenever my body lets me and be fine with it. I have several appointments this coming month, so I will have to get back around to a regular day schedule then; in the meantime, I'm just gonna play it by ear.

Of course, this is good news for you, since it means you'll have plenty to read while I'm sleeping! No need to wait for those late-afternoon posts I've been doing lately...

© C Harris Lynn, 2008
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