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Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I told you it would take some time to get back into the swing of things, having been gone for so long right after the holidays, which were about as slow as it has ever been - even for the holidays!

Compounding all of this, I brought a friend back to help me out, as my neck has gotten so bad, I simply haven't been able to do much of anything recently. My 50-year old neck. And while he is a help - the company is nice, if nothing else - like most people, he does not grasp the idea of working from home; it's been impossible to get any work done with him here. He wants to talk constantly, generally about things we have already discussed to death. Of course, I love the guy and he is a guest, so I have been accommodating him, but it stops today. That's part of the reason I'm up so early after staying up so late (that and the fact that I could not sleep).

Moving on:

The Rundown is about to launch our very first contest! Actually, we are launching no fewer than three, separate contests in the coming months across The Weirding! I know other blogs have been doing them for some time now - they were all the rage in 2008; almost every blog I saw was running one contest or another last year. Like everything else we do though, The Weirding's will be markedly different because it's of quality. Call me pompous (I can take it), but we're giving away actual stuff, not Entrecard points or links or whatever other non-prize is currently in vogue. This is the big announcement I said was coming this week, and the actual details will be posted later on.

Our first contest, here to The Rundown, is brought to you by MTV and iTunes! How is that for sponsorship, bitches? We know how to treat our nerds (cuz we loves you)! The other is actually from us and OtherWorld Creations (and who knows who else?). And the last is... well, I'd better not say just yet.

Since this is all pretty big news and I am slightly ahead of the curve this morning, I'm going to leave this post up for a bit so it doesn't get buried.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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