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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Che Guevara was NOT Batman

Benicio Del Toro has been running around, babbling lunacy about Che Guevara for several months now. He is portraying the revolutionary lapdog in a new movie set to whitewash Guevara's image and distort his role in history, and Del Toro is eager to help.

The Oscar-winning actor claims he spent months reading-up on Guevara in preparation for his role, and believes the murderous Cuban was "just like Batman." Now, I'm not going to go into all the many, many ways in which Guevara is absolutely nothing like Batman, but the shortest answer is that Batman does not believe in killing children who disagree with him.

These pretentious actors and self-proclaimed "artists" who run around with T-shirts and cloth shopping bags emblazoned with Che's image have the misguided belief that Che Guevara should be a symbol of defiance - the image of rebellion against The Man - the truth is that Che Guevara was no hero.

One could argue that both Che and Bats take a hardline stance, that they hold steadfast to their beliefs and are averse to compromise. I can accept that. But while similarities do exist, Del Toro is campaigning to change Che Guevara's image into that of a hero, thus his Batman analogy; Del Toro's comparison of the two is specifically meant to draw correlations between Che Guevara and superheroes, and that is the primary thrust of his claim. To argue it any further will bring nothing of value to the conversation; Che Guevara was nothing like Batman.

Che Guevara begged like a bitch for his life.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

del Toro has been experiencing some backlash for his Guevara idolatry as late, as more and more stories as to his douchebaggery have hit the mainstream press. A former director told one outlet how he hated working with the actor, who was comically "intense" to the point that he alienated the entire cast and crew, who feared him!

del Toro then walked out on an interview earlier this week when the reporter pressed him about questions on Guevara's violence. I guess if history doesn't fit Benicio del Toro's version of it, he just isn't interested.

I honestly don't know who this guy is, but all of this Che Guevara stuff has led me to relegate him to the "complete douchebag" bin.

Make room, Nick Hogan.