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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Has Normalcy Returned?

As I said, I love my friend, and he had to come up to help me because of my neck, so I appreciate everything he did for me, but I'm so happy to have my little home back to myself. I think the cats are glad, too; it's hard to tell with them - they're extremely talkative and all, but they're spoiled rotten, so they stay upset over something. For two weeks now, they've had someone new in their house, so I have a feeling they're a bit worn-out. For two weeks now, I've been away or entertaining, and I am definitely worn-out.

But it was good. The other day, I was doing something when ideas for one of the projects I am working on just started flooding in! I forget what I was doing, but I was nowhere I could get to a piece of paper or the computer to write them down, so I just began fleshing them out in my head (it's a trick I learned a long time ago which helps me remember them) and I have been champing at the bit to get back to it since then. However, there was just no way I could get into anything involved with my friend here.

I love the guy, have since childhood, but he is just a Talker. He literally has to be running his mouth 24/7 - about anything! If he can't find something to talk about, he'll restart discussions from years ago... It is one of his characteristics - I know that's how he is - and I accept it, so it doesn't bother me; if I did not have to concentrate on what I am doing, I wouldn't mind it. He's great company and all, but he just cannot shut up.

All week long, I was having to wait until he went to bed or got in the shower or whatever to get something done, and that got old. Quickly. Just impossible to get anything done that way.

But, like I said, it was a pleasant change for a short time. I enjoyed it while it lasted and I'm glad it's over. I hope that doesn't sound ugly, because it isn't meant to. I'm sure he's glad to be back home and back to his regular life, too.

And the doctors visits aren't done yet, either; I have at least one more, early next week, which will almost certainly necessitate another shortly afterward. So things will still be dicey for the immediate future, but they are settling back down, at least.

About time...

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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