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Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Some Technical Rundown

I don't know what's going on with Blogger the past day or so, but the long load time is not on our part and is definitely Blogger's issue - it does it behind the scenes, too. Hopefully they will correct it soon. In the meantime, I've nothing to offer you. I am also using OpenDNS, so it's possible the fault lay with it, but again, I'm only experiencing this issue with Blogger.

Thanks to all who have left comments recently! We used to get no fewer than around 10 comments every week - it was pretty hopping! So I'm glad to see more people getting into the spirit of things. Remember that you don't need a Blogger or Google account to make a comment - you can do so anonymously or sign-in using a host of other services, like AIM, LiveJournal, and more. Comments are moderated to control spam, but comments with links back to your personal site or supporting information, etc., are encouraged. You can find out everything you need to know about commenting across The Weirding in the FAQ.

I will be gone until sometime next week (hopefully - this is the plan, anyway - if it's any longer than that, please start asking questions!!!). I have my laptop, so I'll be checking-in regularly, but since I won't be at the desktop, I won't be making many posts. I will be approving comments and so forth.

See you soon and enjoy the archives in the meanwhile!

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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