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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Technical Stuffs

Most of you probably won't be too interested in this, nor need you mind with it if you aren't, but you fellow tech-nerds and Cyberculturalists might want to be kept abreast of such changes, so here it is:

FeedBurner is being phased-out; your feeds are now going to be hosted directly through Google and you will access them through your Google account. While this is all still being processed, The Weirding has already made the move. Those of you who are RSS subscribers should be automatically redirected without problem, but just in case, you might want to update your feed (by clicking on the RSS icon above or here). If you subscribe to other blogs from The Weirding, you may wish to update those feeds as well. Again, the redirection is automatic, so you really shouldn't have any problems, but I went ahead and updated the feeds, just in case, and you may wish to do the same.

If The Rundown "hangs" on load and/or does not load, please hit the STOP button in your browser (usually located between the "refresh" and "home" icons to the left of your navigation/address bar on your toolbar) and then REFRESH. The problem lay with a script from IZEAranks, which I noticed some time back and complained about. They are looking into the problem, but I have noticed it seriously affecting my own loading of the blog this weekend and wanted to pass that along.

As The Rundown and The Weirding, in general, continues to move toward a more broadband-friendly format, dial-up users will likely have very long load times. There is simply nothing I can do about this, though The Cyberculturalist is filled with tricks, tips, and shortcuts which you can employ to help speed-up your connection and improve your computer's overall performance. In fact, there are several more of these helpful posts planned for this week. However, the IZEAranks script issue is not one that anyone should have to deal with; this is a serious technical problem I am dealing with. Just stop the load and hit refresh.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008


Anonymous said...

This is Daniel with IZEA. When you say the script hangs, do you mean that it never loads, or loads slow? I've jumped around your site a bit and haven't noticed any slow downs currently. I'll take some time to dig into the server logs and see if I notice anything.

Manodogs said...

Hi Daniel, thanks for responding:

Many times, when you click on the blog, it will just load and load and load (blank page). At the bottom of the screen (status bar), the URL is that of the IZEARanks script.

I submitted a ticket on the matter back in October (5403-6637038) and it is listed as a WIP, so this has been happening for a while now. It seems to be worst later in the afternoon and night and comes and goes.

If you stop and refresh, the blog loads almost immediately (as stated).

Thanks again for your time!

Anonymous said...

np... what browser are you using?

Manodogs said...

Firefox 3.0.5... with a lot of add-ons. It's been an ongoing problem for some time now.