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Thursday, March 05, 2009


Hi guys, I really need some help:

I've been working my butt off on the Dark Conspiracy section. The problem is that I was checking it out on the Win98 machine and several paragraphs on the pages were wonky. While they appear fine on the Vista machine and the settings for both monitors and browsers are the same (so far as I can tell), but the pages are not appearing the same. The difference is that the Win98 machine is running older versions of the browsers... but I don't know if this has anything to do with it or not.

Of course, this is why many better designers say to leave all this alone - let the visitors' browsers handle it - but I'm looking to do something different. The Weirding is basically print online; I need more control than most designers because I am trying to establish certain tones, moods, and atmospheres, depending on the game and subject.

I just need some of you to check out the Dark Conspiracy Metrodome page and the RASSL page (with the Unarmed Melee Combat Expansion) and let me know if there are any problems - if you have trouble seeing anything or words are running together or anything else.

Please, if you can take just a moment to look at them and let me know, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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