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Monday, March 23, 2009

Sicky Stuff, Buffy

Hey guys. Things have been even more demanding on the personal front than usual these last few months. Regular readers know about my neck/spine and all thr troubles it's been bringing me. Well, I was unable to be here like normal for several months and I managed to get in way over my head with... well, everything. Now, everyone wants their money and so on and I don't have any. Needless to say, I'm struggling.

I've been watching Hulu a lot lately... because it's all I've got. And I - like everyone else did back in the 90s - have fallen in love with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It really is a good show! When it was coming on, I was busy doing other things - mainly working - and though I caught an episode here and there, I didn't want to get involved because I knew I wouldn't be able to catch them all. Hulu only has seasons 1-3 right now and I am already on the second one.

Anyway, I've been watching a lot of Buffy and WKRP and just taking it easy, waiting on different phonecalls and mail. Actually, I've been sleeping a lot - I mean, like, freakishly. It must be this new medicine - that's all I can figure. I've also been adding to the site, so you should check that out sometime. I am definitely moving somewhere very soon, though I can't say where yet - because I honestly do not know! I've been waiting for a specific place to open up, but was told the other day that it could be as long as eight months! So I've decided to put in for other places and play the field a bit; I can't stay here another year. For all sorts of reasons, but I just can't. In fact, I doubt I'll be here another month - maybe two.

I'll be around a couple of days this week, but I already know I have to be away from Wednesday, probably through the weekend. I'll post when I can, but I doubt I'll be checking mail because I loaned the laptop to someone else and it isn't setup to receive mail, anyway, and I really don't want to go through all of that just for a few days.

Oh yes, there is also a bunch of editing-type stuff to look forward to here and on the other blogs. Stuff that will take several days to finish and I'm not really looking forward to, but can no longer put off.

So, enjoy what you get from me this week and make sure to stick around for the archives. Check out the entire for all sorts of stuff - especially if you're a gamer! We specialize in the Nerdery.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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