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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Goings On

I am having a personal crisis - actually, a series of crises - which have been afflicting me for months now, but I am doing my best to keep up. One thing I've finally been able (forced) to do is get back to work on the site, proper. While I've been spending at least an hour a day on it for the last couple weeks, I've been able to devote more time to it here and there. It will still be a few days before I start publishing, but it will be a big update once I do. It takes about a week to do a single page at one hour per day - if it doesn't include images (and most pages do).

I'm trying to keep from publishing unfinished pages, since there are already so many, but some projects are ongoing, so I have to decide how to handle them. I could include graphics with most pages, but they take a very long time to perfect, so I've been publishing pages without them, planning to add them later. That strategy is a bust, because it requires completely overhauling the layout of the page once the pics are ready.

I am also tweaking pages as I learn more about coding, standards change, I decide what I want, and etc. Almost all websites remain a WIP because it's comprised of living documents; however, The Weirding is just plain spotty. And I'm aware of it. I am doing what I can, as I can, and the less I consider it "work," the more I enjoy doing it - and more gets done.

I'll keep you apprised of additions and changes,, but don't forget to check The Wording, which is the site's blog. It is both a personal kind of blog as well as a technical report, of sorts, and lets you know what I'm up to, what I'm working on, and so forth.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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