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Friday, October 23, 2009

Sorry Guys, Super-Sick!

Hi guys. About 7:30-8p last night, I was burning up with fever - literally - sweating, couldn't get cool, turned on the fan, opened the windows,, but couldn't get comfortable. I had bad heartburn, too. I ate some antacid and got up to see what else I had to take and immediately got very sick! I was vomiting (hardcore) until sometime in the wee hours of the morning. I couldn't even keep water down.

I published your comments and apologize for the delay. I'm feeling stronger, but still very sick. If I'm not better by Monday, I'll hit the doc's. I'm hoping this doesn't delay the much-vaunted Halloween release, but I'm not making promises at this point; my health has to come first, especially since I have to be physically well enough for this surgery!

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

See? This is why I shouldn't even turn the effing computer on when I'm sick! I haven't been off the damned thing since and I've spent like $25...

I'll post the catch-up stuff throughout the weekend, but don't expect much; I plan on catching-up on my sleep and relaxing my sore gut!