According to police, Bonsall got into an altercation with a friend at an undisclosed apartment and hit the friend in the noggin with a broken stool. Bonsall is now in jail, awaiting a court appearance this Wednesday. He claims he was inebriated at the time of the incident and remembers nothing.
His TV mama got gay.
(Now with More Neck-Tat!)
Bonsall faces several charges, including the aforementioned violation. Upon arrest, Bonsall said both he and his friend had been drinking "a lot." He then said they were both bipolar and like drugs "a lot," and that the drugs he likes sometimes make him forget.
That's sad and I want to go on record as saying I didn't know that and wouldn't have treated the matter so lightly, if I had. I didn't treat it so lightly the first time and I didn't know that. Still, I hope that his mental affliction is taken into account by the judge and he is not simply thrown-away to be lost in a bloated, corrupt, archaic, Draconian, and thoroughly insufficient legal "system."
Colorado is where they kill gay people.
© C Harris Lynn, 2009
Bonsall appeared briefly before a judge today, who postponed the case so he could more closely consider both assaults.
Sometimes, Bi-Polar sufferers become completely new people once they begin taking the right meds - really! Once the chemical imbalance is removed from their bodies and thus lives, they lose their taste for drugs and alcohol, and become stable personalities.
Of course, artists aren't really supposed to be stable, but that's an entirely different matter.
I wouldn't force Bonsall onto medication, as it's basically illegal, but I would force him into counseling, where they might be able to determine if drug-therapy would benefit him. Then, it's a long and often arduous process of finding the right drug for him. But, if he's willing, then there it is.
Regardless, while he certainly can't go around clouting folk, this is a guy who needs help, not help at getting better at concealing his crimes.
And that, aside from the government-sanctioned sex and drug trade which goes on internally, is what prisons are for.
Bonsall plead guilty to the charges against him and was sentenced to two years probation.
Here's to hoping he keeps his shit together for at least that long.
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