
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

I sincerely hope you all enjoy your Christmas or whatever holiday it is you celebrate. I will be spending the time with my parents, who won't arrive until the 26th; technically, I'll be alone for Christmas, but just chronologically. I'm making the most of it by stretching-out the cooking throughout the holiday, proper.

I'm having a huge menu this year, partly because I missed Thanksgiving, but also so I don't have to worry with cooking again until after New Year's! Then I'll be going into surgery, so I'll have someone here to cook and clean for me (at least off and on) for a few weeks, so I'm making a mountain of food. Another reason is because I spent the last holiday season alone (more or less - I went to friends' houses) and had no leftovers of my own. It really bothered me, listening to everyone talk about eating leftovers and turkey sammiches and shit for weeks following...

My movie playlist is shorter this year because someone stole a lot of my flicks, but it's still classic: Badder Santa; Silent Night, Deadly Night; and Black Christmas. I also lost my Jack Benny CDs, so I have to tear through everything downstairs to see if I can find at least one of them - that's a tradition with which I'm unwilling to part! I have a couple DVDs with Christmas episodes, so it's not like I'll be completely SOL, but still.

So, I hope you all enjoy the holidays and feel free to drop us a line and tell us how things went! Merry Christmas from The Rundown and The Weirding.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

1 comment:

jack said...

Im going to enjoy my Xmas