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Monday, January 11, 2010

Back in the Saddle

Well, the surgery itself seems to be a success... somewhat. There was a problem, of which I was unaware until long after I awakened (five hours after the surgery should have been done), but it only made the surgery take longer - it didn't make it more difficult, nor my wounds worse or recovery time any longer. The worst thing about the entire process was the utter lack of bedside manner! I am not exaggerating when I say I had to fight for pain meds after getting out of a seven-hour surgery!!! It was ridiculous - even the "managers" of the floor agreed with me, but it was nearly 24 hours later when I talked to them and it shouldn't have gotten that far to begin with.

ANYwho, I am still recovering and likely will be for some time; I'm hoping to be back to at least 80% by next Monday. Right now, I'm doing far better than I thought I would be, but I'm nowhere near as well as I need to be to get back to my daily routine. It still hurts to lift my frigging coffee cup.

Now that I'm back on broadband, I'm getting back to some of the projects I'd had planned but could not accomplish over dial-up. One of these is a calendar, another is "Weirding TV." I introduced the calendar a few years back, but it quickly became too much to handle. With the Facebook extension, I am eager to renew my efforts. My plan is to open the calendar up to everyone so we can all promote events, launches, and whatever else we have, and hopefully build a community of like-minded creators, fans, and supporters. The calendar will also act as a schedule for online RPG sessions.

Weirding TV consists of "playlists" comprising several movies and TV shows which can be found online. Most of them are free from sites such as Hulu, though pay sites like Netflix are also included (Hulu is expected to morph into a subscription-based service sometime this year). As of this moment, you are responsible for your own subscription to these, and all other, sites and services; The Weirding is not a subscription-based service and costs nothing. More than anything, I'm providing this to point you toward great, old media entertainment to be had online, but also so we have something to share and discuss. We'll make events of the whole thing - chatting with one another while watching TV/movies together online - contests and so on, and include transcripts and shared information for other members to peruse at their leisure. The Weirding TV will eventually comprise media playlists with running commentary, reviews, supporting and background information, and more - "smart TV."

It will still be some time before I am running at full-steam, but I have plenty to keep us busy in the meantime, so stick around and enjoy!

© C Harris Lynn, 2010

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