But the Web - well, the Internet in all its forms - is the printing press of our, and future, generations. I know that whatever I accomplish will be around for years to come, even if eventually only as a curiosity, and I take that fairly seriously. Fairly so - I mean, I write about roleplaying games and slasher flicks - I don't have my entire head up my ass!
Anyway, I added some new pages and content to the Champions section. While this is previously-published material, it has been edited, rewritten, and reformatted and includes new artwork. I should be able to get even more up next week, as SiteSpinner released the most complete version of their software to-date, which has made my life literally 85-95% easier!
I also made some structural changes which affect the entire site. This may result in some technical errors, particularly along the lines of missing images and similar formatting issues. I will try to correct these as soon as possible, but we are talking site-wide changes - i.e., every page on the site. Technically speaking, the site was originally laid-out to handle such changes without me having to edit every page on the site to make them, but SiteSpinner has had numerous "quirks" and a handful of bugs in every release which had to be accounted for and may still impede progress. A lot of these sitewide changes are meant to correct such shortcomings for future updates.
Also, I am probably going to discontinue The Wording as the siteblog and move all of that kind of stuff to the Facebook page. I don't know yet, but it makes more sense to do it that way. The major problem I have with that is being limited as to what I can say or present, due to TOS; it's far too easy for some jackass to decide s/he is offended by something - like "Satanic" D&D games, for example - and get the whole suspended or even deleted. I dealt with that back on the GeoCities site until I was able to prove that it was, literally, about three people from AOL who were consistently "flagging" the site as "inappropriate." One of them went to prison for selling pills - true story - and I only ever "knew" these assholes from online chatrooms and so forth!
ANYwho, enjoy the new Champions content - as always, there's more to come - and I'd love to hear any suggestions or criticisms you have, especially if you are having problems viewing the site! Also be sure to add The Weirding @ Facebook page (link above) to your favorites, or "Become a Fan," or however that works. I will be announcing updates, et.al., there more after today.
© C Harris Lynn, 2010
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