
Thursday, September 09, 2010

Change of Plans

Hey guys, please bear with me while I try-out something a little different:

Comic books are solicited three to four months ahead of their actual (newsstand) release, so I've tried various methods of releasing the information I get so that it is still timely, however I'm constantly being scooped by The Other Guys -- which I don't much mind, it's just that it gets old, when no one's reading The Rundown! To be fair, there were a lot of Other Guys when I started, and in my defense, there have been an avalanche of new ones since then. At any rate, this isn't just about that.

I also need some time to pursue some personal projects, which include a writing career above and beyond the Wonderful Wide Web, and I am simply overwhelmed at this point. My house is a mess, my studio and office spaces are all but non-existent (because they're just... everywhere), I am behind on my reading, and I have absolutely no personal/social life (well, to be fair, I didn't have much of one before, but I digress...). I love my work, and I love hanging-out with y'all, but I have got to find a little extra room here somewhere, so this is the plan:

I am going to schedule posts -- not for entire days or anything, just errantly -- so that you are not without posts and I can get some other things done. These posts will be far enough ahead that they should post, whether or not I am available to actually post anything. Some days may have nothing but one or two, while others may see a flood, and still others will just be... you know, nothing will post -- no posts.

Of course, we all know how wild and wacky the entertainment world is, and this is overall an Americana blog (which I've not lost sight of, just lost the links to most of the stories I'd planned on bringing you!), so there will always be stories to bring you in-between these other posts; these will just ensure there is new content, while allowing me more free time.

I know it's going to be hairy at first, so bear with me until I kind of sort my way through this new system... which I must first develop, of course. But we've got years of archives to keep you busy (another thing I need to get to -- along with the tags system and redesign), and the Halloween Updates should be on the way (not promising much this year), so there's always stuff to do here and across the entire site.


© C Harris Lynn, 2010

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