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Friday, February 11, 2011

Out of the Woods on Weather

What? So I've been away for a while; I do stupid puns alla time. Besides, I really do live in the middle of the woods and I haven't been here this week because of weather:

Monday, we were not expected to be in the middle of the downpour that covered practically everywhere around us, but it had been snowing off and on throughout morning, so by early afternoon, it was starting to look like we might just get snowed-in. Wednesday was to bring us "The Worst Storm of the Season So Far" and what-not, so I was worried the roads were going to freeze-over and I was going to be snowed-in until next week! I called around and got a ride to a convenience store, where I spent far too much on cigarettes, milk, and "just enough [whatever -- milk, et. al.] just in case."

We did get a ton of snow Wednesday, but the roads are still clear, and there haven't been a lot of problems. Yesterday, my connection was bad or non-existent, but that was the worst of it. I used the time to handle personal stuff (bills, all that) and just kick-back. By yesterday evening, I was stir-crazy and bored.

Anyway, the weather is fine, the roads are clear,

© C Harris Lynn, 2011

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