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Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hey guys, just thought I'd stop through to fill you in on what's been going on over here, since I haven't been around much.

Those of you who aren't webmasters might not know about Google PR and updates, but they do them quarterly. Those of you who aren't regular visitors might not know how much I go on about tags and labels (still can't find anything), but I do. Of course I want lots of visitors, but I make most of what little money I do here from sponsored posts, so tags and keywords are specifically used (by me) to organize content.

This is what they were originally meant to do - tags on a blog largely constitute the navigational system - but over the last decade, search engines became the defacto method of locating content, leading to something called SEO, or Search Engine Marketing, in which many webmasters abuse keywords, tags, and the like in order to artificially rank higher in these engines. I disagree with the practice because it's unethical, and because I use the Internet - I don't like being lured to a useless site anymore than anyone else does, especially only to be pitched some product I don't want, don't need, and can't afford.

Anyway, I've been putting together a loose "system" for doing this over the last few years and had to take a few weeks away to implement it. So that's where I've been. It's always changing and remains a constant WIP, so I'll be back to posting my every, errant thought in due time. This is just one of the behind-the-scenes things you have to do from time to time and once you get into it, it's hard to leave and come back to.

© C Harris Lynn, 2011

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