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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Undying Love - A Review

Undying Love is another excellent installment in Image's pulp noir line. It is the hardboiled tale of a Tough Guy who has fallen in love with a vampiress, and it makes no apologies for that. Undying Love is smart and confident. It hits its stride early and barrels through to the end.

It does wink at the audience toward the end of the first installment, but it isn't cute about it - in fact, it's respectable in that regard. I just hope it doesn't do it often. Still, this is an unapologetic tale about sex and guns and hot, dead chicks and the art is at least half the point, so you might as well know it going in.

Undying Love
is insanely entertaining in its own right, though. It takes itself seriously without being cynical, and doesn't cop-out along the way. The first few pages, in particular, are great storytelling. This is all exposition - a talking-heads scene - and the creative team, who handle both writing and art, Tomm Coker and Daniel Freedman, use energetic and innovative angles to keep the reader engaged. And then it ends in a fight scene. Heh.

Undying Love #1 is a great read. The art is fantastic and the story bears no pretenses. I just hope it doesn't become "meta" along the way.

© C Harris Lynn, 2011

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