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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Back to Form, More or Less

Hey guys, I got a shipment of promotional materials from Archaia Press yesterday that I've yet to read. It is a very nice kit and I wish more companies still did them; back in The Day, the companies used to send promotional items to retailers, reviewers, and even the fans on occasion, but I assume the cost has risen to the point that they make... wait, don't comic books cost like $4.00 each?

At any rate, I also got my shipment of comics from probably the last two or three months yesterday. I pre-order and the site from which I get my books offers free shipping past a certain level/amount of sale, so I am back to getting comics every few months instead of every few weeks.

And I'm reasonably certain Blogger is half-assed working again, so it's all good. At least until they hose it again.

© C Harris Lynn, 2011

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

Nope, Blogger's still hosed.