Hi guys, just a quick note to let y'all know that Blogger is still acting-up. I received confirmation that it isn't unique to my account or anything; others are experiencing (I'm assuming) similar issues with the service, as well.
Again, I am obviously able to post, but some scheduled posts are not going through, plus some duplicates are appearing as Drafts and Scheduled posts and what-not and it's confusing. So far, I've only experienced it a handful of times, but it was enough to throw me off my game for most of the day, as I often spend several hours in the evening and early mornings doing posts which are scheduled for release throughout the day. Sometimes, I schedule them even further in advance. This can be confusing enough until you get used to it, and this added headache is just that.
Anyway, it gives me time to finish a couple of writing projects outside of blogging, as well as read some comic books, so there is an upside... just not for y'all. At least not until this gets sorted-out.
© C Harris Lynn, 2011
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