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Friday, September 09, 2011

Back to the Buffyverse

It's that time of year.

I'm a seasonal guy; I get horny in the Spring, weary in the Summer, and come alive in the Fall (I mostly just get cold in Winter). And when Fall rolls around - especially Halloween - I get into the scary mode. I want to play ChiLL (or at least work on it so others can play it), I want to watch scary movies (and will bring you reviews of those I do all through October), and I want to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

As regular readers (long-time readers, I should say) know, I've been drawing-out my Buffy viewing for going on three years now. Hey, most every other fan my age drew it out for seven seasons, so give me a break! The truth is that I can only take so much Buffy at one time and I only have a season and a half left - not even that, really, as I've only got about three episodes left in the penultimate season - and even though I had occasion to watch her a handful of times throughout the spring and summer, I'm literally drawn to the show when Halloween rolls around.

So I'm back watching the last few episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer before I start Mad Men. I know they're two completely different shows and all, but it's what's in my queue (aside from the shockfests). At this rate, I think I should just about be finishing the TV series when Season Nine is released from Dark Horse in a couple months.

And yes, I am excited for that, as well.

© C Harris Lynn, 2011

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