Moon Knight has been rebooted yet again and this time, they dispensed with all pretense and just made his alter-egos Captain America, Wolverine, and Spider-Man. It lost points for me with that right there, but I stuck with it to the recent issue and I have to say it turned itself around some once it found its footing.
Moon Knight started out more high-falutin' and Avengers-related than I cared for, but soon found its way into gritty territory, where the character belongs and it took hold of me. He has relocated to L.A. and that has its own "flavor," but the creative team has been bringing a little more Big City Raymond Chandleresque features into the story the last handful of issues and I dig that. I just hope they keep the run going and don't restart it yet again.
I also like how it intertwines the high-profile TV show lifestyle with that of Marc Spector and Moon Knight's for another dimension of that split-personality theme. It also leaves a lot of room for romantic interests, though I really like his current chick.
I have to admit, this is a title I'll be keeping up with more regularly.
© C Harris Lynn, 2011
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