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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Still Catching Up

I pre-order and I don't like to pay shipping. Because I get free shipping on orders over $100 and only get about $35.00 of comic books a month, I don't get my comics for three or four months at a time. Once I get a shipment, I have several issues of everything to which I subscribe to catch-up on and it takes several days.

There are several titles I've basically given-up on but don't want to unsubscribe to, such as Mighty Thor (which I lost when they split it into about four titles and simply haven't latched onto yet, but hope to in the future), and I buy some issues simply for collecting purposes. I don't always care to read these comics; I buy them for their investment or sentimental value or what-have-you and basically just file.

Honestly, I've fallen about a year behind on almost every title to which I subscribe, and I had a crisis of sorts when I realized I didn't miss any of them. All but one or two have ended their runs and restarted or otherwise changed their run in some way, and that pissed me off. For instance, I loved Flash and it only ran about 13 issues; they ended it and restarted it at #1. I knew this was coming for several months before it came and I lost interest in the magazine.

So I've got a lot of catching-up to do and it's going to take me a while. Bear with me, as I'll be discussing different things as I go along. Some things I will review, while others I will merely mention, but either way, follow along with me as I get through the last year or so of comics and we'll get back to regular updates and so forth in a couple of weeks or more.

© C Harris Lynn, 2011

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

I'm actually catching-up quite nicely. I have a bunch of one-shots to get through, but the titles to which I subscribe have gone down pretty nicely.

If you're reading along, you'll see I'm reviewing many of them, even if only mentioning them in other posts. I like this because it lets people know what I'm reading, and whether or not they should bother picking it up - as opposed to reviewing single issues which might not be good examples of the entire series or run.

I'm still doing that though, just need to get far enough ahead that I know what I'm reading.